- Testimonials from our clients.
Video Testimonials
Matt Delp
Dave Ward
Resident Advisor
A Mother’s Perspective
Structured Sober Living Testimonials
I am 31 years old and currently 7 years sober. Prior to being in recovery I was a daily drug user from the time I was 17. I spent 4 months at one of the most prestigious rehabs in the country. On the day I left, I had one day sober. That day was the turning point in my life: I was on my way to Transitions in Recovery, where I was held responsible for my actions and was taught the reality of my disease and how delusional it made my thinking. I learned the importance of a support group, and lived with 4 previous residents of Transitions for years. Most importantly, I reconnected my relationships with my family and God. My life is worth living today. Instead of hurting people, I try to help people. I owe this to TiR, because nothing else worked for me. Words cannot describe the gratitude I have for this special place. I thank God for giving me the opportunity to have spent such a miserable time in my life in a place that truly cared about me and my family’s best interest.
7 Years
— John S.
On March 19, 2014, I found myself hopeless and tired of life. Contemplating taking my life, a Divine Intervention happened — I had the courage and strength to pick up the phone and call Father Martin’s Ashley for help. From there, aftercare at Transitions in Recovery was recommended. When I arrived, I was greeted with open arms and a sense of belonging that I had never felt before. For the first time in my life, I could be honest and people understood me. After a 7 month stay at Transitions and 3 months in one of their continued care apartments, I left full of hope and had a way to live a life free of addictive substances. I currently have 7 years of sobriety. I went from death to life and appreciate what every day might bring. I have real relationships with people that are built on honesty and trust. I have more happiness and peace than I could have ever dreamed.
7 Years
— Bill M.
To My Brothers: I am an alumni of Transitions in Recovery, a recovery home that was and continues to be integral in my recovery from drugs and alcohol. Brian and Sandy Halstead run East Coast Recovery Services and its associated recovery home, Transitions. I can sincerely say that Brian Halstead is the most effective counselor I have ever known. His intuition is sharp. He sees things that no one else can see and maximizes the impact to clients by delivering that insight as carefully and patiently as necessary. With Sandy, clients feel comfortable baring their soul. She has a soft disposition and a loving heart that melts away any resistance and tears down walls. They tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear. Theirs is true love and concern. Residents quickly learn that this is not a place where people bide their time, it’s a place where people change. If you are serious about staying clean and at least curious about this “serenity” people talk about, this is where you belong.
6 Years
— Justin B.
When I first came into detox all I wanted to do was get cleaned up to the point where I could function again, and give her another try without crashing and burning. The only way I knew how to be comfortable with myself was by getting high. I reluctantly agreed to go to Transitions in Recovery for aftercare, but was only planning to stay for a week. I was a miserable person when I got there, bogged down with resentments, disappointment in myself, and hopelessness. I thought I was a lost cause. I didn’t trust anyone. As time went by, my “one-week stay” turned into two weeks, and then a month. I began to open up to a select few people and formed some of the only real friendships I’ve ever known. The structure of Transitions is exactly what I needed to humble myself. I learned how to be honest, and that through being honest I would get honest feedback. I ended up living at Transitions for 6 months and I am extremely thankful that I ended up encountering this place in my travels, because it changed my life. I truly believe that if I never met Brian and Sandy Halstead, that I would still be getting high today. I’ve achieved something that I never thought was possible. I am now living a great life with no mind-altering substances, and I am content with it. I have 8 years of uninterrupted clean time and wouldn’t throw that away for anything. My life is excellent and I would like to thank the great family that I am blessed to have, the friends and my support network that I met in recovery, and of course Brian and Sandy Halstead.
8 Years
— Rick C.
Interventions Testimonials
You brought my family together and helped them see how to really help Eric. I didn’t think we had a chance to get him out of the crack house yet alone into treatment. You told us to stay the course and be patient. You had us ready to mobilize for the crisis that you said would come. When the crisis came you were there, guiding us through every step. Even when he was in treatment you knew exactly how to get him to the next step. My son is no longer living in a crack house and wanted by the local police, but is living in a recovery house and has resolved his legal issues.
— Kathy & Mike D., Philadelphia, PA
As a co-dependent I heard the phrase “there is nothing you can do” a million times. You were the first person to explain that I had plenty of options and that there was plenty I could do if I were willing. You told me the outcome was out of my hands. I am forever grateful that you also showed me that I had to look at myself first. Once I got myself on the road to recovery my husband had to follow. Thank you for the patience you had with us. You were always straightforward but gentle and we needed someone to tell us the truth. Thanks again.
— Suzanne S., Scottsdale, AZ
I can never thank you enough. I know that you went above and beyond to help my family especially my wife. I really didn’t believe we would be able to get her to go to treatment. One Sunday morning while she was slightly sober we got her to go to detox. So when they sent her home because of insurance I was sure that was it. I called you and you said, “It just means we have to intervene again”. I said, “When”? You replied, “right now”. Sure enough we got together and once again against all odds got her into treatment. I know the power is in the group but without your guidance we could never have pulled it off. Our family now has the chance to begin healing.
— Carl K., Phillipsburg, NJ
Recovery Enhancement Program Testimonials
Having relapsed so often it was refreshing to work with someone as gifted as you. As my Recovery Coach you were able to monitor my behaviors and keep my support group connected. At times I hated the accountability your program creates but I am still sober so it worked for me. I understand now that it is important to be accountable because of my disease and not some moral defect. It has also taught me how to communicate with others more effectively. I also enjoy the fact that I can come back for coaching whenever I need it.
— John K., New York
When we first talked about Recovery Enhancement Program I thought, “What do I need this for?” I just need some help with my relapse issues and to stop getting so angry. I now know the difference coaching can make in one’s recovery as well as in their life. What I appreciate most is that even though I’ve completed the goals we established, I can utilize you whenever I need a little extra help. You truly helped me understand that letting go of the past and achieving my goals today is how to build self-esteem. I haven’t fixed it all but I have the tools to cope with my relapse issues.
— Tom D., Lancaster, PA